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tv   ABC7 News  KOFY  October 2, 2012 11:30am-12:00pm PDT

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good morning i'm cheryl jennings. and i'm kristen sze. another scorching day. >> east bay the sky looks hazy now. >> but it is not a spare the air day. meteorologist mike nicco is here. good morning. let's start with live doppler, satellite and radar put on one map, you don't see radar returns and you don't see clouds. look for the asterisk here on our highs that's where we could set potential records. temperatures for the most part in the 90s to 100s. we'll see a few 80s around the bay, san mateo 89 and san francisco 80s along our beaches. temperatures running anywhere from about 13 to 20° warmer than average. the good news it is not a spare the air day.
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pollution will stay in moderate levels inland and east bay to santa clara valley and coastal central bay good north bay and sought bay. >> -- san jose's park is closed today because of extreme fire danger. officials closed the park in june over similar concerns yesterday's air temperature was 96° with 16% humidity. the emergency closure is only for today the park could remain closed longer, if weather conditions don't reach a safe level. police dealing with an extremely violent eight hours, four people were shot to death themost recent 60 this morning, two we killed at 72nd and international boulevard this follows two shootings on macarthur boulevard last night within an hour and a half of each other. kira klapper is getting reaction. >> reporter: as you mentioned, three deadly shootings within eight hours between last night
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and this morning. the most recent at this home over my shoulder where you c see bren glass o2nd, four people dead in total. the mostecent killing two, 6:00 this morning. we have video two hours later when the community start today to find out about that shooting. neighbors and family came out crying and embracing watching officers investigate. two men were sitting in in a van together this morning. investigators believe someone nt up shot and killed both. jasmine tells me one of the victims her cousin. she says the 23-year-old was a rdorke, led hs fami anlived for his-yeaold son. rort woed theight shift goff work 10:30 last night. jasmine and others believe he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. >> i mean everybody that knew him, knew he was -- he want no trouble starter they knew that he wasn't out here. all he did was work and
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literally come home. he don't hang out, he don't do nothing if you wanted to hang with him you could see him. >> someone may have seen something, heard something to reduce gun violence we have to work to the. the community has been instrumentaln the past providing information that has lead to arrests. we are asking the community to come forward with any information that they may have regarding the shooting or last night's shootings. >> reporter: two men were killed in last night shooting in two separate shootings didn't the treat from one another on macarthur boulevard also in east oakland where we are today. one woman was injured in one of those shootings she is expected to survive. this morning's shooting death marked the 88th and 89th this year for oakland. kira klapper, abc7 news. supporters and family of an 18-year-old man killed by oakland police are planning to march toy hall this evening.
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he was fatally shot by police last may when he tried run after he and two friends were stopped and searched. supporters demonstrated outside the police station last saturday demanding police release their report. police say a gun wa fod nearis by. the falyclaiit was planted. > strongnd mix emotion at aeastay school no one day after a teacher was found dead of apparent suicide. james izumizaki had been accused of lewd acts with a minor. terry mcsweeney joins us. >> reporter: two different sets of emotions on the same sty at scol district administration headquarters. they talked stoically about the need to provide emotional support for the students at albany middle school. at the school, outpouring of support, tears and sobbing over a man many considered a friend and a great teacher. 200 people teachers, parents
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and students turn out this morning for a vigil in honor of 28-year-old james izumizaki, arrested last week for lewd acts with a child under 14 found dead yesterday morning in a car. based on physical evidence and a note left, it appears to have been suicide. many today don't believe the accusations against him. and can't believe he's dead. >> this school and our students were his life. he will be deeply missed. >> reporter: the superintendent says grief counselors will be available to students at all district schools, especially albany middle where mr. i, as the students called him, taught and coached. >> day will not be business as usual. it will be addressing children's questions, children'srief.9í3g >> reporter: some have criticized the district for placing izumizaki on administrative leave last wednesday before misconduct
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was proven. the district says, their action is mandated. >> when somebody pulls the fire alarm you don't go around and find out whether it is a false alarm, you evacuate the building, then investigate. this is pret mu exactly at we ha to do. reporter: the superintennt ss police ha sred thing wither, withegard to izumizaki's cause of death or what was written in the note. >> we are looking forward to the investigation going through and having no doubt and understanding exactly what happened. >> reporter: a key part of that is what was left behind in that note. to this point, not even the school district has that information. terry mcsweeney, abc7 news. attorney gloria all red is bringing new attention to a case that has already made national headlines. al red is representing alleged victim in the case against 41-year-old james hooker former high school teacher who
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gained national notoriety this year after he left his wife and kids to move in with a former student. hooker is in court today facing felony sex assault charges filed by another former student who claim assaulted her 14 years ago. candlelight vigil scheduled tonight to mark two weeks since a south bay man disappeared. 32-year-old eric dean garcia last seen leaving a friend's home near downtown san jose. family members says he has a heart condition and is without his medication. black 1985, harley motorcycle with license plate 18 w 5272. > trak trains are rolling agn followg yterday's railment in central vaey. the first train pulled out in jack london square on time 7:30 this morning. passengers say they weren't concerned about safety.
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the derailment left almost 40 injured. >> things happen on the train all the time. but it is pretty safe. >> i've ridden the train before, i bet it is more dangerous for me to ride my bike here and get hit by a car than have a train derail. >> crews spent the night repairing the tracks damaged after a big rig collided with the train. the truck driver was not seriously hurt. 169 passengers were onboard the train. berkeley firefighters mopping up after a house fire this morning started by bird on the 1100 block of delaware street. a seagull hit a high voltage power line causing it to fall to the grass and spark a fire damage estimated at $50,000. part of the street still closed residents have been allowed to return, two customers without power. uniform supply company in concord cleaning up after a fire there last night. firefighters managed to keep the blaze from spreading to
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the inside of the building the damage was contained to a pile of landry outside the building. it has happed again. another incident of seat coming loose on a american airlines flight. we hear from experts on what could be causing the problem. one day until the first pr [ male announcer ] are you ready for tomorrow's technology today? then switch to at&t u-verse tv. add the wireless receiver exclusively from at&t, and you're no longer tied to the tv outlet.
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it creates a seal of the dentures in my mouth. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. super poligrip free made the kiwi an enjoyable experience. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. >> how alarming, cruising
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30,000 feet on a jumbo jet your seat becomes unbowled and you flip backwards on to the person behind you. that happened on three flights in less than one week. t.j. winick has the story. >> reporter: american airlines insists multiple incidents of seats coming loose has nothing too with dgruntled workers. there's been well publicized tension at the airline as it tries turn around under bankruptcy protection. >> this is a mechanical issue not related to anything else. >> reporter: today the "new york post" reports another plane, this time an american flight from colorado to dallas last wednesday had seats come loose, third report in less than aeek. >> we nd to return. >> repter: allrequed emergency landings. this woman who didn't want her face shown was onboard one of the flights. >> the seat flipped backwards. people were essentially on the laps of the passengers behind
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them with their legs in the air. >> reporter: this morning an american flight to london was forced to make an emergency landing in ireland after smoke was detected in the cabin. while american may since none of these scares are retribution to a labor distribute, not everyone is convinced >> it could be sabotage or it could be sloppiness. either way, it is a disaster for the airline. >> reporter:his mornin american told abc news it is inspecting, eight, 757's in its fleet which recently had seats installed and which could have problems. t.j. winick, abc news, new york. president obama and mitt romney are preparing for tomorrow's first presidential debate. crews were putting finishing touches on the stage today. analysts don't expect the debate to exchange many mind there are very few undecided voters and debates are rarely
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game-changers. the fact that the two are engaging each other directly for the first time should draw the attention of millions of americans. abc news will bring live coverage starting at 6:00 here on abc7. some people for the hot weather, some against. meteorologist mike nicco nonpartin. just bringing you the facts, ladies. let's look out and show what is going on if you don't like the heat you won't want to know that it is warmer now than this time yesterday. we'll talk about record heat today and the big cooling trend and when it comes to your neighborhood. plus, the start of a busy week on the bay. the boats and planes arriving today. would you pay $100 to check a bag? we'll te you now avoid that hefty fee on one airline.
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there's going to be a lot of action on the bay this week between america's cup and fleet week. right now the coast guard is holding a demonstration on treasure island of rescue, safety and security procedures in place this week. a dozen teams from the america's cup will race this afternoon for the second leg of the competition, practice today with qualifying event morr.
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chamonship rang thuray roug suay. thelue angsrrive in n frcisconight kicff fleet ek the teamill rive 6:15 into sfo the jets will be rehearsing around the bay you will hear them before you see them. that is just one of many vents in san francisco. there is -- also the hardly strictly bluegrass festival oracle world features pearl jam concert,talian hitag pade nrtheach, ctro reet para,ian, 4rs at he mysisteraid the ar two cise ships i turday. >> couple thousand more why not. >> don't forget a's hosting the rangers at the coliseum tonight warm out there interesting thing is they are practicing for the america's cup and things are going to be different by the time the races take place.
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winds, choppy seas. bay now calm as we look to the east from south beach this morning. let's take a couple more looks just so beautiful, santa cruz already folks in the water there, temperature was 100 yesterday in santa cruz. yesterday for about a handful of bay area cities, the warmest day this year. the rest of us back on june 16th. today is going to be close. live doppler 7 hd, if you like the cool weather, you would like to see clouds on this, but it is not happening. there's no radar returns. here are the clouds, well off the coast, they will come back tomorrow, when the cooling trend will begin. heatwaves tend to come in three-day spurts this is the third day. if you don't like the hot weather, don't look at this graphic n is showing you how much warmer it is now compared to 24 hours ago. pretty darn hot then. temperatures 77 in san rafael,
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72 half moon bay, 79 mountain view everybody else in the 80s, to 90s, 89 monterey record high there 76 santa cruz the cool spot around the bay and inland nny and hot today clea bthankfully, mi tonight. sharp coling trend starts overnight at the coast and pushes through the rest of our neighborhoods through the rest of the week. low pressure will bring that cool front blocked by huge area of high pressure, starting to move east a little bit that's why it is going to lose its grip and cool starting tomorrow. today mid to upper 90s south bay, mid 80s to mid 90s peniula. 80half mn bay cl spo alon theoasmid toupper 80s most neighborhoods, upper 80s downtown mid 80s south san francisco, mid to upper 90s north bay valley, mid 80s at your beaches low to mid 90s most of the east bay shore, 97
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fremont. good to see it going to get cooler tonight. amica's cupabou as cal and warm as it gets, 4:00 obvious the water 76, -- over the water 76 winds calmer over the land than over the bay coming out of the west at 10 knots. 78° as we try to tie the rangers for the division lead 68 by the end of the game. tonight you can see 50s, a few 60s, i don't think it will be as warm as it was this morning especially aund the bay and coast. big changes start tomorrow especially at the coast we drop 6 to 1° by friday another 4 to 10°, 20, 25 temperature swing between
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today and friday, cooler over the weekend. what would you do with $49,000? pay my electric bill. not eligible. but, you could win big with abc 7. we are giving away $49,000 all of our facebook friends are eligible whether you are a new fan or with us from the beginning so enter the sweepstakes go to and click the win $49,000 button that will take you to the page where you can fill out the entry form. we'll announce the winner after the game. electric bill not that high but $49,000 a game-changer for a lot of folks. i hope you win. we know what you can do with that money you can pay luggage bills. >>r not. here's way todiscourage paengers fro or-stuffing thr carryn chargehem $100 tat's e plan fro spit airlines whoaysnext month will start charging
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passengers if they get to the gate and their bag is too big to fit under the seat. it cost $20 to check at the counter or curbside. >> a's are headed to the playoffs. >> the champagne shower in the locker room after the team secured a wild card spot and what is next for e team. ron: years ago i made a promise to provide the best for my family,
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coming up at 4, genetic engineering could help people with certain allergies. temperature readings on mars. rover uncovers difference in weather between day and night. a's are headed to the playoffs. tonight and tomorrow they will try to sweep rangers to win coveted division title outright. the a's beat the rangers 4-3
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last night locking up a wild card spot. >> most of the players have never been to the playoffs. last night they had a champagne celebration. with my friends, we'll do almost anything. out for drinks, eats. i have very well fitting dentures. i like to eat a lot of fruits. love them all. the seal i get with the super poligrip free keeps the seeds from getting up underneath. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. a lot of things going on in my life and the last thing i want to be thinking about is my dentures. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip. on our newly expanded advanced digital network,
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